Some reasons why the UGC NET is preferred by the aspirants are mentioned below. The exam is conducted twice a year, and many candidates appear for each cycle of the exam. The UGC NET is a national-level exam to determine eligibility for Lectureship/ Junior Research Fellowship at universities across the country. Why is the UGC NET exam preferred among candidates? Mock tests and previous years' papers to help you practice important questions.Discussion of important concepts and questions, as well as doubt resolution during live classes.Topic-wise UGC NET video classes based on the latest syllabus.The UGC NET online coaching by SuperCoaching is the perfect medium to provide you access to live classes by experts, mock tests, video lectures, study notes and other study materials to help you prepare effectively for the exam. And, if you are looking for a course that can help you in UGC NET preparation online, then we have an excellent solution.

One of the best ways to ensure the same is enrolling yourself in good UGC NET coaching. Therefore, if you are a UGC NET aspirant, you must start your preparation well in advance in a planned and strategic manner. Each year, many candidates appear for the exam, leading to immense competition. The National Testing Agency conducts the UGC NET exam at the national level to determine the eligibility of candidates for the posts of Assistant Professor and Junior Research Fellow in Universities across the country. UGC NET Online Coaching: Best Platform for Preparation, Courses and Notes